Bartholin Cysts Destroyed My Sex Life, Caused So Much Pain to Sit & Walk, Scared Me to Death with Recurring Flare-Ups Even after Marsupialization, Until I Found this Simple, Natural & Effective Method to Clear Bartholin Cysts Forever
Do you have painful bartholin cysts?
You can’t even sit or walk and the cysts keep recurring even after marsupialization?
Worse still, bartholin cysts destroyed your sex life?
Hi, My name’s Catherine Paul
I’d like to offer you a very warm welcome to our website especially if this is your first visit here & more importantly if you are sick of being told that you have to live with recurring bartholin cysts
Before you read on I’d like to make one point very clear to all of my readers, what I’m about to share with you is my own personal account of how I managed to get rid of bartholin cyst using a simple, natural & effective method, & yes it really can be done!
I really did suffer with recurring episodes of bartholinitis one after the other for
almost 10 years
I really did find a way now to treat bartholin cysts and stop further flare ups
You really can get rid of bartholin cyst abscess, anyone can.
Your doctor will not even talk about this method let alone prescribe it!.
Perhaps my story is very similar to your own, after all it’s an all too common story.
I suffered with bartholin cyst ‘Needlessly’ for nearly 10 years, I say needlessly because now I know there really is no need for anyone to continually suffer with recurring bartholin cyst abscesses (more on that in a moment). Back then I believed that my doctors knew best so I did what they told me.
Bartholin’s cysts have made me depressed, anxious, frustrated, and traumatized. I’ve never experienced anything more painful, awkward, and embarrassing than Bartholinitis.
I first got a bartholin cyst abcess about 10 years ago. I first noticed a small bump on the left side of my labia and thought it might be an irritation and that would go away. Within days the cyst grew from the size of pea to a golf ball. It was so painful that I could barely walk sit or stand, and had fever & chills too. When I crawled to ER, the doctor just precribed me painkillers, antibiotics and an anti-inflammatory drug.
And asked me to return after a week of Flucloxacillin.
I hoped that would be the end of it & that I would no longer need to worry about Bartholin’s Cyst!!
Boy I was wrong! On the sixth day of my antibiotic course, i was in so much pain that i couldnt walk, sit, stand or lie down and going to the toilet was just out of the question. The pain was excruciating, I couldnt walk I’d just waddle if I had to, and even sitting down wasn’t fun. I ended up rushing to the ER again.
That was the first time they actually lanced the abscess, and it was an experience that I’ll regrettably never forget!!! I usually have a high tolerance for pain, and they had me crawling up the table (to say the least.) After lancing, the doctor packed a sterile gauze.
And told me to take another bunch of antibiotics to prevent infection. I still firmly believed that my doctor knew best and so I continued to follow his advice and took the pills as instructed.
I was happy to be normal back again. But my happiness was short-lived. Yes, for just few weeks!!
Bartholin Cysts - Back with Vengeance!
Bartholin Gland problems, though common amongst women are not widely understood within the medical community. I wondered if any man can really understand the pain that these Bartholin cysts’d cause.
After nearly two months, I saw a slight bump on my left side again, I totally forgot about my previous cyst and thought that this might be a tiny bump caused by friction. But within the next few days the cyst grew to almost the size of a large cherry tomato. I could barely sit or walk.
Word Catheter to Drain Bartholin Abscess?? My Horrendous Experience
With so much pain, I drove all the way to my doctor. This time the doctor just poked and prodded my cyst violently. That was the worst experience of my life. Anesthetics did nothing. They sliced into my vagina (then the sorest part of my body EVER) and then squeezed the cyst out. I cried and wailed the whole time. Then they inserted the word catheter. Initially I had imagined a thin, short piece of tubing, but to my dismay, the catheter was about six inches long and as thick as a pencil. They advised that I tuck the remainder of it into my vagina! And keep the catheter there for a month without falling out! I couldn’t believe they were serious.
A man would never put up with this. A day later, I still couldn’t walk so I called the doctor and he was surprised. I returned to the hospital and they removed the catheter, telling me that the chances of my cyst returning were higher.
Lancing Bartholin Abscess Could Make the Cyst Recurring & More Painful !!
Lancing or piercing would NOT do what you think it would. Instead it is likely that it would provide an inlet for potential irritants and bacteria.
The Bartholin gland is already super tiny, and extremely sensitive, especially in those individuals who are prone to flare ups. Further, the Bartholin gland sits rough 1/5 -to 3/4inch from the surface, so if you were to get a piercing, you would only be putting a hole into the glandular outlet, which as mentioned before would provide a secondary inlet for bacteria, thereby increasing the number of flare ups you might encounter.
Also lancing leaves a scar. When a Bartholin cyst is lanced more number of times, the area is prone to develop scar tissue. Over time and recurring episodes of flare ups, I developed more scar tissue on my left side and this caused the intense, excruciating and intolerable pain when the gland gets inflamed.
Nothing is Close to the Pain of Bartholin Cyst Abscess, Not Even Labor or Birthing Pain
As a Bartholin cyst sufferer, I feel so defeated, and scared of having this very real issue, continue to disrupt my life.. my job, my health, the intimacy with my partner.. my emotional well being..? I realized I was not new to this, and my heart goes out to you all that have had to deal with this for so long… how can someone have a healthy sexual relationship with so much pain, and fear?
It was difficult getting by, I hid the pain from everyone, telling them I was fine, I didn’t want to be a burden, but when I was alone I cried. The pain was getting so bad I had to take a few weeks off work. Then one fine day I felt a sharp, stabbing pain… it felt strange this time… walking was very difficult then.
I meekly made my way up to the bathroom.. I decided to check it out.. and oh my goodness! It was a big lump.. almost as big as a grape..I cried out so loud. I begged to be taken to the emergency room.,. as I reached the ER I was still freaking out. The doctor examined me and told that the area had to be “numbed”… It meant a huge jab with a needle..That was the worst day of my life! But I had to go through it..
The doctor pierced me again. Local anesthetics worked it’s magic, the pain receded a little bit. Felt very much relieved. As I left the hospital, I decided to look up the internet as to what was causing this unusual situation… Since I was already diagnosed with a Bartholin cyst, I decided to Google exactly that! I checked for the causes of the cysts..Well apparently there are two tubes leading to the Bartholin glands and they are just located on the lower part of your vagina..When these tubes get blocked, cysts are formed. The fluid around it then accumulates and swells up. This forms a cyst which becomes infected.. and that’s where I was right then. And it was a hopeless situation, I thought!!
Having Sex is the Worst Idea Ever! Not with a Lanced Bartholin Cyst…
I believed atlast, the last doctor who attended me at ER knows his best.I was feeling so well after a week. My fiancee came to visit me and we decide to get intimate. Within minutes, I understood that having sex with Bartholin Cysts was just so much of a bad idea! Once again, my happiness was short-lived.There it was again, finding all the way down me, shining round and bright pink. Phew! the cyst just came back. I thought this was going to destroy me and my life forever!
It was happening all over again..What do I do? I don’t want to go back to the hospital repeatedly, I would rather find some remedy to treat me at home. I cannot let them cut my lady pieces again.
And I decided to treat me at home….my cyst was then as big as an egg! I tried looking up the internet again…reading every piece of information I get. They all pointed to the tub first.I just let the night go by not knowing what to do. By the morning, the cyst was as big as a tennis ball! I didn’t know if warm water would work, so I filled the tub with ice cubes and cold water.
I was so desperate….shivering I got in. “This should work..!” I thought to myself..I was in there for just about 4 to 5 minutes and started freezing. But, hey, its shrinking………and no pus or blood………I couldn’t sit in there any longer. So, I got out and prepared a warm sitz bath. This time the tub was filled with hot water. I was crying at my miserable situation. I got into the tub and oh my goodness!…it was burning.. the cyst was back again and all swollen up..So I thought it shrinks with cold water and swells up with warm water. I tried to make the cold water again.
Oh! How many times..This time I was not in the water for longer..I got out and had an Advil to ease the pain. The pain was moderate and I decided to get along with the chores..I know the cyst could come back.. And then one day ..poof! there! It bursted with pus and blood all over the bathroom.. I was so depressed as I cleaned it up,…but I didn’t have a choice! I started to feel better now that it was gone….
And it was Back Again…! Just Like I Knew it would….It was on the Other Side Too! Can a Catheter Help?
There are so many issues with the Bartholin cyst..but I wish I had known the solution earlier. Well, as I suspected, the cyst was back again..the pain was just manageable but I was still in baths again, hot compresses again. I was so desperate, to find atleast one solution that could work for me!
I thought may be this time I try the witch hazel astringent soaked in a cotton ball..and so I did..I applied pressure to the cyst several times and waited for it to drain…will anything happen at all?
Please! I was in so much pain. It was getting ridiculously painful. I was just unable to move.. two days had passed.. That was the third day! It was then the size of a lemon..I just didn’t want the lancing this time…OMG! I took matters in my own hands. I took a fresh cloth and soaked it in luke warm salt water for about 5 minutes. For more than 20 minutes I kept applying it ensuring that the cloth was warm and wet. The bartholin cyst was stinging! It was slowly becoming an abscess..I finally called my OBGYN. He told me to continue with the baths, and the compression, unless I had fever/chills.
The cyst was becoming larger and larger…Oh! I couldn’t stand it anymore..He recommended me to come over the following week. But he also told me that there was no other option but to drain it. As I walked over to the hospital I was already going over my previous experiences! “This is definitely going to be horrible”, I thought. As I proceeded to the ER I started crying..oh my goodness! This is just not me..I was so nervous! I laid down on the table shivering..I was given a numbing shot down there and a small cut was made through the abscess. A catheter was inserted and left in place….
A few weeks later…POP… the catheter came out…I had to go back to my OBGYN to have it put back in place! Isn’t there anything there in the world that can save me from my misery!…Oh God! Why do I have to bear this pain..??? My thoughts were racing!
It was Relentless…My Bartholin Cysts have returned!..May be I Should Get a Jacobi Ring…?
And of course…the doc clearly told me that it would come back. It was unusual for the catheter to fall out..And then it was that way for a while…2 to 3 weeks of a blown up word catheter.. According to the doc, it helps the tissues to become better and I can get a new tube formation back.. “Well, I hope so…” I thought. I must say if it did help me my happiness was very short.
A few months later, I got it again!.. Blowing up on me once again…I was travelling to another country along with my fiancée. We had a great time! But there it was again spoiling all the fun! As we were returning back home, the pain was so bad, I had to lie down..and in the airport lounge. And you understand, how awful that feels? I was writhing in pain and was at the same time feeling embarrassed & humiliated.
My fiancée did feel bad for me. But I insisted on getting help only after we came home. As we landed I was rushed to the ER. The OBGYN this time suggested a Jacobi ring. It was the same like the word catheter but slightly different. I got a bigger cut this time! After numbing me he cut the area once again. And this time he inserted a thin catheter into the abscess.
This time he used a silk thread to tie both the ends of the catheter together. This has to stay in for another month! Oh! What a horrendous experience.. I don’t know what went wrong but this time my lanced area got infected. I was already under antibiotics but still it got infected.. I had fever, pain and I just couldn’t sleep. I was crying all over again…There was a lot of bleeding too…I knew something was really wrong. I called into the hospital figuring out the blood loss.. Even as I was crying, I got admitted and had to stay the night..It was bleeding so much.
After three days of bleeding, chills and fever, the pus burst through the catheter. It was the most horrible experience of my life…Isn’t there anything that will help me anymore? I was crying for a whole day and night..!
It Works like Clock Work Mind you…Before you Know it…It’s Back Again with a Bang..
Is there anything at all that will help me? I cried out aloud that night wondering if I will ever find a solution…
Another three months passed without any flare-ups…even as I was thinking it would come back again it was back again with a bang! I went in for a marsupialization again. It went away.
But it was just too good to be true, you know. I felt better than I was with the catheters. And after another four months it was there again..boom! It does seem odd doesn’t it? It almost always started after being intimate with my fiancée.
When I checked with the OBGYN he instructed me to get a catheter again. But what is the point when I know it’s going to be coming back again? I was just not ready to go through the extra pain again. If lanced, it gets infected in spite of the antibiotics. It would just burst back a few days after that. I was crying all over again. It was not just about the pain, I was totally broken.
But I did go to the OBGYN the other day and had it lanced..I sat down after that and spoke to him for a while. I was looking for a permanent solution. Should I remove the gland? That was not the final solution I was told. Removing the gland completely was just not advisable. I finally decided to take control of the situation. Where else would I search but the internet? I looked for a solution with prayers.
All you Need is a Miracle…Get it!
And then the miracle happened! Almost after 10 long years, there it was right in front of my eyes! Why didn’t I think of it before? Oh! Lazy me!…I was right there all the time and I just passed it every time. How could I have been so ignorant? It was God’s gift sent straight down for me to use it! .
I know now how to treat my Bartholin menace, I also know how to predict it as well..I know now! I understand when to look for it, what are the signs should I look for before it comes in…How could I have possibly missed? I could now successfully define Bartholin cyst.
Are those the causes of the cysts? Why didn’t I think of this before?! After this I knew exactly where and how the infection occurred and in what kind of space…And yes! The most crucial know-how was the prevention of the cyst! Instead of running to the hospital every time, this simple solution is enough to keep the Bartholin cysts away! Yes, the answer is finally here! It is simple, yet so profound! I can actually prevent the cyst from recurring! The method not only cleared my problem, but also my friend’s and her friend’s.
Finally Here is a Very Simple, Affordable, Plan to Eliminate Bartholin Cysts Forever!
After years of research, I finally put together some powerful knowledge and information and synthesized a program that will explain the source of bartholin cysts. This is a plan that has not been brought together ever before. Follow all the steps in the program and you will definitely benefit from it. Your overall health will improve and so will be your confidence. Many women across the world have reaped in the benefits of my program.
What you Will Learn from My Book?
First, the book provides you with simple home remedies that are harnessed from mother nature–
You will discover all the critical factors that are responsible for the development of bartholin cysts.
Detailed description about the common procedures for draining bartholin cysts abscess such as lancing, marsupialization, word catheter and jacobi ring
Common bartholin cysts treatments & procedures and their risks. Avoid these methods that might be the reason for your recurring bartholin cysts
The book contains one of the most powerful and little known secrets that make sure you get immediate relief from your pain.
How to stay away from certain feminine hygiene products that might be the cause of your bartholin cysts!
Discover this 3 common household ingredients and when combined has the power to remove your Bartholinitis.
A little known secret oil that has 100% natural substances to eliminate bartholin cysts forever.
The most powerful amazing natural products that doctors, hope you will never find out!
An amazing discovery, this naturally available herb alone is enough that guarantees to stop bartholin cysts from recurring and that works almost like magic!!!
What NEVER to do, this cause further damage to your bartholin glands
The dirty little secret natural remedies that the doctors and corporate hospitals doesn’t want you to know about
The book also provides an honest answer to your condition and what you should do to ensure that it does not recur–
Most people have called it the best technique and relief methods available in the industry today
And many many natural secrets and methods that make you understand your body, help you to connect with your inner aura and get free from your bartholin cysts once and for all for good!!!